Friday 30 April 2010

Help Marie!


Collecte de Marie

Monday 15 March 2010

Måndagen den 15 mars 2010 - Hur renar bär årstiderna?


How do reindeers cope with the seasons?

Well, researchers have discovered that the animals did not possess what is called the "circadian clock" that influences processes including the sleep-wake cycle and metabolism, usually based on a 24 hour rhythm.
Apparently, it could be the case for most animals living in polar extreme conditions, this basically helps them not get depressed every autumn before the arrival of extreme weather conditions. It also avoids them go binge-drinking to forget winter is on its way. Clever things!

Saturday 13 March 2010

Lördagen den 13 mars 2010 - Aurora


Wednesday 24 February 2010

Onsdagen 24 februari 2010 - Minus 30 in the sun...


- 30' C in the Sun this morning. One of the coldest days of the year, to be sure. More than a physical experiment, it is a cultural experience: surely wearing so many layers of clothes must be life-long chore for anybody living in this area.

The only thing I have not yet witnessed is the Northern Lights. I am not a great sky watcher when it comes to sky observation, and that probably doesn't increase the chances of seen such beauty. Anyway I try and follow the forecasts as much as possible.
Here are interesting links to check:

These are live glimpses of the sky in Porjus, a village in Swedish Lapland. You can check the links every couple of minutes for update. This is the place where Northern Lights are most frequently seen and are at their best.
Indeed with just a little more than 400 inhabitants, Porjus is a small village, therefore producing little artificial light.

Monday 22 February 2010

En helg i Stockholm


Friday 29 January 2010

Onsdagen 27 januari 2010 - Snow blizzard!


Saturday 16 January 2010

Lördagen 16 januari 2010 - Bröd, igen!


After a week of intensive work, here is an intensive housekeeping end to it!

Hopefully, there will be a bit more time for drawing and reading... :-)

@Claire: tu jalouserais ce succulent pain aux dattes !

Sunday 10 January 2010

Söndagen 10 januari 2010


Dear all,

First of all, let me address you all the best for 2010. As they have it here :

Gott Nytt År

Very best wishes to you all.

Secondly, I must confess it is going to be hard to keep up the pace, as my camera is OOO. All I can do, is publish a load of useless photos taken with my webcam! I can't even upload photos from my mobile since I've set my laptop back to xp and the bluetooth assistant is nowhere to be found! Just my luck!
Anyhow, I will try and publish computer-made paintings, and anything else that I might find relevant to my stay in Umeå.
In the meanwhile, warm regards! And write to you soon...