Saturday 21 November 2009

Lördag 21 november 2009 - I dag i Umeå


I hadn't seen the sun for weeks... and logically enough, I had that swedish urge to take the air and feel the sun on my face. So, here are a few snapshots of Umeå today.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Onsdag 18 november 2009 - Välkommen Saga!


Sunday 15 November 2009

Söndag 15 november - Kiss aftermath


Eh oui, aujourd'hui, c'est l'effet Kiss Cool!
Never had so many silly tunes in my head... so just wanted to share my sufferings:

Piece of advice: if somebody dressed like that is singing you that song, run for your life!
Observation: Mathieu Chedid has invented NOTHING!

Lördag 14 november - Rock'n'roll all nite!


Umeå by night...

Being a metal dude takes a lot up here in the North of Sweden. Not to mention metal chicks!
It involves smoking outside wearing your Opeth sleeveless top, finding your way in the Scharinska's underground... By the way, let's take a look inside:

"WTF were doing there anyway?" you'd be asking me (or a more polite version). Well, simply fancied this for a night out:

So, back to the Scharinska:

Obviously, it's really hard proving that being here is normal for you: you have to put up with soppy 80's styled haircuts, or else have long hair for more efficient headbanging... If neither, go for the leather stuff... it rocks, except when sized 46 and more! Being a DJ in Umeå is no better - just ask DJ Suffer and how he's dealing with his permanent make-up. Don't be mistaken, he looks happy enough but just imagine the stares he get's down at the supermarket!

Kiss indigestion? Well, let's go see what's happening on the ground floor... "Helltrain + Hate Ammo": ready?

I must have stayed about 10 minutes no more before my ears fell to the ground... so loooooud! Crazy people! And freaky death'n'roll - or other musical label to that effect - when played loud, just doesn't sound like music at all. Yuck! I hope their albums are more subtle volume-wise.

Just a poetic photo taken in the Scharinska, put aside the musical violence:

Well, quite enough for a night out (especially when it starts in a pub to watch France play against Ireland!). So, just a few photos of Umeå by night taken on the way home:

The Scharinska

Oh yeah, being a rock'n'roll family dude is a bit of a trial when it comes to cars. Well done!

The Church just by...

And bed time for me... GOD NATT!

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Onsdag 11 november 2009 - Snö och tillbaka


Nothing better than a week-off, travelling home, and coming back to Umeå and discover it has snowed in your absence...

A few photos take from the plane. Forgive me for the blurry quality! Planes move fast you know!

And my usual little point of view: from my window.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Tisdag 3 november 2009 - Har du sett Silver?


Today I saw this ad...

Herman has lost his rabbit Silver, who escaped on Hallowe'en, and there is a reward for anybody who finds him.

The sadest piece of news I've come over in weeks. Hope they get together again.

Have you seen Silver?

He's gray-brown and is wearing a purple leash...